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WhatsApp Image 2022-09-13 at 22.12_edited.jpg


With  Mohit Shelare

This is what i wrote after our first interactive day . 



  •                    " We started by warming up. Felt weird, and silly but uh okay time passes. I start to lose those teeny tensions and got in the moment."

  • ​                   " A game where we had to kill, can't remember the last time I played/run around. Those nostalgic memories wandered around with how we had to copy our partner's body gestures which were getting lost again and again while we had a task at our hand of killing.

  •                    " Partner task - 2 makes a whole as if a body  

                             Coordination - To match the rhythm

                             Understanding - the movements

                             Limitations - physical "

  •                     " Sounds -  Listening sensitivity  + Shifting focus on the tree, also somehow shifted focus on oneself, inner calmness "

" One is not been a woman, but becomes one "  

                                                                             ~ Simone de Beauvoir 


 The second and third days were all about learning from the various performative artists and the scopes of this form. 

various works of performative artists like Inder Salim, Khursheed Ahamad, Mohit Shelare, Budah (a Japanese dance form ), and Tehching Hsieh were shown to show the unlimitedness of forms and body gestures. 


MAIN LEARNINGS - We have normalized as to how one uses body parts, whereas there are people who have exceeded these limitations.  while looking at the gestures,                                                        the historical context that is where is it coming from also becomes important. 




So I was broadly looking at these small gestures that one makes sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously when we are traveling from (assume) point A to point B. 

And then understanding the broader meaning of it. 





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When I'm in a bus line that 5-10 mins wait also has to offer so many of these little nuances that we don't tend to notice. But once you try to shift your gaze you and your body slowly start getting aware of them. Which was what I tried to capture through my video.


WhatsApp Image 2022-08-26 at 17.20.12.jpg
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