Our very first exposure to the understanding of the term form in a very detailed analytical way happened online.
FORM in architecture is a very useful thing, as simple as an object looks isn't that simple. to get a hold of the form of the object thoroughly, understanding its geometry and mechanisms becomes an important part.
The first week focused on the same. first, we had to collect some daily household objects and further choose a slightly complicated one that we were interested to study in detail.
After collecting some simple and common objects like a stapler, knife, comb, etc. I stumbled across a hand drill that my grandfather owns. it intrigued me at the very first encounter as to how it works, the system, the mechanism, and the composition.
The challenge was to dismantle this complex or composite object using platonic or pure forms to understand the analytical form. that is break down of object in set of analyzable forms so that it becomes handable.
Initially I was drawing the handrill in a very generalized form like the way one sees it as a whole. but once i started understanding its geometry it became easier. also having the line of force clear. Line of force is basically the axis line in which the object is hold together. In my case it was a horizontal line through the handrill from the jaws to main handle.
Soon i got a grasp on it because drawing it multiple times makes us understand its geometry and physicality in more a solid way.
Hand drill works on a gear system which when roated using the turning handle can drill. The opening part that is the chuck and the jaws can also be rotated to change the drill bits as per our need.
This module helped us articulate the object using analytical drawings through lines, planes, geometry and movements.